On the best ways to catch fingermark or golden snapper is trolling around headlands.
Way back when we were creating our Wonky Holes course we traveled to Cooktown for some filming.
On this particular day it was rather windy (typical Cooktown weather) so we ran along the coast looking for likely Fingermark country.
Fingermark can be readily caught deep trolling along headlands when conditions are right.
We troll hard bodies deep divers and can catch all manner of species, including Golden Snapper or Fingermark.
In this video a good fingermark is followed in by a large cod.
Fingermark can be caught in all manner of places from rubble pads, headlands and deep holes. And when the time is right in less than two metres of water. Trolling on headlands is only one small component of where they can be found.
If your preference is luring they will also readily take a soft plastic.

Our online course on Finding Fingermark is a comprehensive resource packed full of Ryan Moody’s fishing secrets.
The course contains a step by step framework based on his tried and proven methods.
Interested in taking a look at our Finding Fingermark course?
You can do so here…