I this blog I demonstrate Ryan’s little secret when using a sounder to find fish.
Because sounder skills are the secret to Ryan’s extraordinary success with trophy fish!
Actually I (his wife) am totally taking the piss at his annoying habit of stopping the boat and spinning around 50 times every time we are trying to go somewhere. But there is method to his madness.
Ryan Moody explains…
The main reason we cover so much ground when checking out new holes with our sounder is because the fish will generally be somewhere in that hole.
However each hole is structured differently and will function differently depending on various tidal influences such as the amount of run and the time of tide.
Spinning the boat around and doing zig zags to assess an area is critical when using a sounder to find fish. Because it’s all about understanding how that particular spot works.
If you have gone to a spot and found fish on a certain occasion but gone back another time and can’t find them, don’t think they’re not there.
They could simply be in another part of it, so check the whole place out instead.
Put the time in to not only zig-zag the ledges but also check either end as they will usually be there somewhere. Unless of course they have been chased out to sea by bad barometrics or other such unfavorable influences etc.
Remember, it’s all about putting in the time and effort and keeping your eyes peeled on that sounder. It works for me.
Have you ever fished your favourite spot and caught nothing, only to watch someone else lob up 50 m away and get straight on the fish?
This is probably an example of the fish being at the other end of the hole – and you can find them by taking several passes with your sounder.
Of course now with the advent of side scanners, it is much easier to assess a location.
This way is old school for those that don’t have a side scanner yet and is extremely annoying for the rest of the family that want to get fishing.
But Ryan won’t stop to fish unless he first assesses the area first by using his sounder to find fish.
If you have trouble seeing fish on your sounder or interpreting what you see on your equipment, you may want to look at our Sounder Skills 1 course.
It’s only $19.99 (on special) and will help troubleshoot why you can’t find fish on your equipment.
Additional resources on using a sounder to find fish below;
UHD transducer best in the creeks
Getting your sounder right to find untouched Wonky Holes
If using your sounder to find fish is something you want to master, take a look at our Sounder Skills 2 course.
The course is very comprehensive and is 30 years of Ryan’s experience explained in a simple way.
If interpreting your sounder is not your strong point and have trouble identifying fish, our $20 Sounder Skills 1 course will help!
Click the button below to get started. It’s cheap as a takeaway lunch at the moment and only takes about 40 minutes to watch. It also includes (as a free bonus) our sounder interpretation presentation.
Stop scratching your head and start catching fish in less time using my knowledge.