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Rock walls for barra

When fishing rock walls for barra, we recently decided to try a technique that works a treat on charter. 

We decided to use the “uninterested technique” while fishing the Cardwell rock walls for barra.

Now some of you may have seen this video clip on Facebook. However, this is the extended version and in it, we have a bit of fun!

It’s not really your typical barra fishing tips video as we poke a bit of fun at Ryan’s uncanny ability to catch barra pretty much anywhere. In this case it’s the Cardwell rock walls.

When fishing rock walls for barra it’s important to take a variety of lures including surface lures, twitch bait lures and plastics on jig heads to fish a variety of depths in the water column.

Fishing rock walls for barra using casting lures
Fishing rock walls for barra using shallow diving casting lures can be very productive as this metre plus barramundi shows. And it’s a TON of fun and maybe my favourite method to catch them.

Especially when you’re land based because you can’t see fish on a depth sounder. So you don’t really know what they’re up to.

Plus beginners don’t often have the finesse and experience to know EXACTLY where the lure is in the water column.

And by varying your technique and lure depth, you’re giving yourself a higher chance of getting in the zone. Rather than sticking with the one method.

So while the “uniterested technique” may sound like a bit of a joke, it’s often when my clients get their bites.

Here’s why I think it works…

  • Despite my instructions to clients to vary lure depth cast for cast, quite often anglers fall into a bit of a routine.
  • When they get bored however, they relax, wind a bit slower without realising it. Consequently they are changing the depth of their lure or plastic.
  • As a result they are finally giving themselves a better chance by fishing in the strike zone.

We do cover varying depth and weight with soft plastics in our previous blog, 3 tips or fishing with jig heads. We also provide a cheat sheet of my favourite lures and gear for catching barra to take into your local tackle shop if you’re planning on chasing barra.

Fishing rock walls for barra can be very rewarding as they do patrol these area often for a variety of reasons. We cover it in more depth in our comprehensive Barra Basics online course.

But for now check out our video below of fishing rock walls for barra using the “Uninterested Technique”.

The fish in this video was caught on a soft plastic as I did know beforehand what was likely to happen.

In a previous video we caught another lovely saltwater metery in the same location fishing rock walls for barra using a shallow diver. 

For more great tips take a look at our previous blog posts or for ALL my secrets, our fish smarter premium online fishing courses.

If interpreting your sounder is not your strong point and have trouble identifying fish, our $20 Sounder Skills 1 course will help!

Click the button below to get started – it’s cheap as a takeaway lunch at the moment, only takes about 40 minutes to watch and also includes (as a free bonus) our sounder interpretation presentation.

Stop scratching your head and start catching fish in less time using my knowledge.


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Ryan Moody
Ryan Moody started his fishing career on the reef boats before catching bucket list marlin for the likes of champion heavy tackle angler Johnno Johnson, INXS and the King of Sweden. Branching out in the late 80's to guided barramundi fishing, Ryan has made a name for himself as a Big Barramundi specialist. Ryan has decided to share his extensive knowledge and hopefully inspire people of all ages to get out from behind the computer screen/TV and into the fishing outdoors lifestyle he has spent his life perfecting.