In the email that we recently sent to our community, I was extolling the virtues of taking time out from being “busy”. Like stress and busy is a badge of honour (slowly killing us).
So instead of running ourselves ragged creating something new, this week I’m recycling some of our older blogs into simple categories to make it easy for you to digest.
It’s our way of practicing what we preach in terms of lifestyle and taking time for “us”.
Let’s face it, the chase for “more” (more time, more money, a better car, a different table, politer kids, a more attentive husband, a less nagging wife, creating a new blog every week) leaves us in a position of not enough – which in turn leads to more of the chase for more. It’s a never-ending cycle driving us all nuts.
Being aware of this cycle we can actively choose to do things we really enjoy. This will allow us to lead happier and healthier lives. And when the ones we love watch us putting on our oxygen mask first, they start doing it too.
So scroll down through our RMF best blogs compilation and hopefully discover a few you haven’t seen yet.
More Resources
Well this RMF best blog compilation is just a TINY fraction of the tips, tricks and action videos we have on the site.
You can see more simply by clicking on the tag or category section in the sidebar.
Or simply run down them from top to bottom from here > RMF FISHING BLOGS
Plus we have several free trainings that you can access here > FREE TRAINING
And if you really want to take your fishing to the next level, check out our comprehensive Fish Smarter training courses.