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Accepting change, Live baiting isn’t cheating!

Guest writer for today and Ryan Moody Fishing student Ben Weston (Westo) has some sage advice on being an all rounder, by downing lures on occasion and using live bait for barra

Live Baiting for barra isn’t cheating

The bitterest pill I had to swallow after completing the Barra Basics (BB) course, was accepting that in order to find consistency in my catches I had to use every tool or technique available. In the modern age of social media there is so much pressure to catch fish. Particularly if you are predominantly a lure angler. What I mean by this is… There is a growing disregard for the authenticity of live baiting for barra.

The age catch cry of “it doesn’t count on bait”! Well hang on, the last time I saw a metre barra caught on bait it was still the same length as if it was caught on lure. And the same goes for fish of any other length. Do you get my drift?

Why limit yourself fishing artificials?

‘Fishing Smarter’ is the foundation upon which the Barra Basics course is firmly built on. Why limit yourself to only fishing with artificials? This only limits your opportunities and prevents positive outcomes during certain periods of the month, as outlined in Ryan’s framework. It has taken me months to realise the success that can be had by fishing with bait. This come purely through accepting it. Is it less skilful? This argument has been done to death and really, who cares.

As the Barra Basics course outlines there are several components that need to come together before a baiting trip can be deemed successful. Find the right bait, using a cast net, keeping bait alive, locating fish holding locations through predicting fish movements and being there at the right time (using the framework).

These are all important steps to successfully catching wild barramundi on live bait.

June 2016 was the turning point for me. After several months concentrating on one small system doing the hard yards behind the sounder, I located a few different schools. I grinded away a ‘LOT’ of hours fishing (luring) them and allowed me to nut out their movements through different periods of tide. But for all of the hours of casting, I had one 86cm barra to show for it.

So on the 12 June 2016 I decided to swallow my pride, let go of the ‘stereotyping’ or ‘labels’ and live bait these fish.

Instantly the results began to flow! Over a 4 hour period between my young fella Byron, the Old man and I we landed 8 barra ranging from 71cm – 86cm. Not bad going and they still measured the same as they would with a lure! Funny that..

This a barramundi from a hot live bait session which changed my mindset on live baiting
This a fish from a hot live bait session which changed my mindset on live baiting


Healthy school barramundi which took a live mullet bait
Graham Weston aka dad, with a healthy school fish which took a live mullet


These barramundi around 71cm are in plague proportions in the estuaries in Central Queensland and a more than willing to accept a well presented live bait.
These barramundi around 71cm are in plague proportions in the estuaries in Central Queensland. And a more than willing to accept a well presented live bait.


Big mullet catch big barra. However finding these models can be testing and presenting them correctly is the key
Big mullet catch big barra. However finding these models can be testing and presenting them correctly is the key

A metery is icing on the cake!

A week later fishing with fellow Barra Basics participant Ben Gilbertson we landed a 104cm fish. This provided the icing on the cake and was enough for me! Live baiting works and it’s a very important technique to apply, given it’s at the right time according to Ryan’s barra framework.

Benny Gilbertson with his 104cm fish. Big girls are smart animals and more wise than smaller fish and well presented live bait will win over a lure everyday of the week.
Benny Gilbertson with his 104cm fish. Big girls are smart animals and more wise than smaller fish and well presented live baiting will win over a lure everyday of the week.


‘Fish Smarter’, accept the change, doing away with labels and using all of the techniques outlined throughout the Barra Basics course, I promise results will come.

Tight Lines,


Interested in Barra Basics? Get on the wait list for the next course.


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Ryan Moody
Ryan Moody started his fishing career on the reef boats before catching bucket list marlin for the likes of champion heavy tackle angler Johnno Johnson, INXS and the King of Sweden. Branching out in the late 80's to guided barramundi fishing, Ryan has made a name for himself as a Big Barramundi specialist. Ryan has decided to share his extensive knowledge and hopefully inspire people of all ages to get out from behind the computer screen/TV and into the fishing outdoors lifestyle he has spent his life perfecting.