King Threadfin are one of the most underrated sportsfish in my opinion.
They grow big and have a powerful thrusting tail that rips line off your reel in a screaming frenzy.
King Threadfin are unpredictable fighters.
They duck and weave and can also jump on occasion.
I recall late in my charter career on a day catching almost 20 metre plus threadys in one session, one jumped and no joke cleared over 1.5 metres from the water.
Too bad I didn’t have the camera ready!
Fishing the Fitzroy
So we recently headed to the Fitzroy River Rockhampton to chase a $1.30 barra.
For those from overseas, that’s 1.3 metres of silver chrome barramundi.
And while we were in the river searching for our river monster, we found plenty of King Threadfin!
Camera Malfunction
Unfortunately we had a camera malfunction with the sound and although we caught seven over a metre in the river, the sound was crap.
So our editor Kane has picked up some of the more useable clips.
No matter that we can’t use some of the footage. I think it is still pretty clear that large King Threadfin go like the clappers.
Sure gave our gear a workout.
Wanna get mentored by Ryan Moody on how to catch King Threadfin?
From Brisbane to Broome we cover it all in our Threadfin Tactics Course.
Even if you do catch them occasionally, to really master them at any time and tide, check out our course.
Big fish in the Fitzroy!
A great thing about the Fitzroy is the net free zones as we allude to in the video.
They have been great for recreational fishing in the area and great for big barra and large King Threadfin.
For those lucky enough to catch a big thready, please consider letting it go.
Like barra, larger fish are female (born male and change to female as they age).
So taking a big threadfin is in effect taking a big breeder out of the system.
And as you’ll discover, they are a premium sportsfish, perhaps one of the most underrated sportsfish in Australia.
Hence the Fishing the Fitzroy VCP (Voluntary Code of Practice) for King Threadfin.
The VCP is designed to protect stocks of Barra and Threadys in the Fitzroy River (Tunuba).
The council asks anglers only keep King Threadfin between the lengths of 650 and 1000 and a limit of 2 per person.
So we were outta luck as all our fish topped one metre.

Learn what to look for on your fish finder with our Thready Cheat sheet.
Click the button below to get a copy.

More King Threadfin Resources – the most underrated sportsfish.
- Threadys have nodules on their backbone and you can botch the fillet if you don’t know what your doing. Learn to fillet Theadfin >> here.
- More tips and tricks to catch them. Techniques to Catch Threadfin >> here.
- Cheat sheet on what to look for on your sounder. Download the cheat sheet >> here.
- Trials and tribulations as my mate tries to get one over a metre. Watch the video >> here
Threadfin Tactics Online Course
From Brisbane to Broome we cover it all in our Threadfin Tactics Course.
Even if you do catch them occasionally, to really master them at any time and tide, check out our course.