Garmin introduced their new Garmin UHD transducer (ultra high definition) and black box this year… And I was lucky enough to be one of the test pilots.
As you may know if you’ve done our Sounder Skills 1 course, higher definition frequencies like 800 kHz provide good clarity of the underwater landscape. Now with the Garmin UHD transducer at 1120 kHz it’s even better. And the quality has stepped up considerably to the point where you can easily recognize species by their shape.
But as you step up in frequency you lose the ability to see as far. Because the sound waves produced by the transducer are smaller in intensity but touch a lot more objects.
Hence the extra clarity.
So it is important to remember that the higher the frequency the more it is suited to shallower situations like barra fishing inshore.
This will allow you to make an informed decision as to what unit you need for your own applications.
The main benefit for many Garmin users is that they can purchase the Garmin UHD transducer and black box and plug it straight in to your existing unit as long as it’s compatible. Compatible units are the echoMAP plus series and the gpsMAP series 752, 952, 1022, 1222 as well as the 74 and 84 series.
We have already seen some awesome side and down view images coming from these units and it’s not just fish but structure like wrecks and jetties.

One of our Barra Basics students has captured some great shots on a recent trip. He took a two mates and caught 3 barra over a metre, as you can see in the following pics. Great effort Clint, great to see you putting your mates onto such good fish and thanks for the pics!

One of the best advantages of this new Garmin UHD transducer and black box (when it’s attached to a compatible unit) you have the ability to run both offshore and inshore frequencies. All from the one unit which is perfect for those that enjoy both inshore and offshore fishing.
POST SCRIPT. You won’t need a black box anymore if you purchase a new unit. There are a range of models now that accept the new transducer. 95 SV UHD, EchoMap Ultra and 84 series can all run UHD without a black box. If you are in the market for a new unit, enter your details here and our Garmin dealer will contact you to determine the best unit and transducer for you.
Click here >> What transducer do I need – sounder inquiry form.

The benefits of having the compatible units is that the Garmin UHD transducer and black box only retails for around $899 dollars, so you don’t have to go and buy an expensive new sounder to run the high frequency.
When we took the unit for a run last week we picked up a nice metre plus barra in about three casts in the Hinchinbrook channel. The video is below.
If interpreting your sounder is not your strong point and have trouble identifying fish, our $20 Sounder Skills 1 course will help!
Click the button below to get started – it’s cheap as a takeaway lunch at the moment, only takes about 40 minutes to watch and also includes (as a free bonus) our sounder interpretation presentation.
Stop scratching your head and start catching fish in less time using my knowledge.