

Ryan Moody’s personal inventory of tackle, rods, reels, sounders and more for Coral Trout, Nannygai, GTs and other offshore reef fish
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We’ll Give You The Shortcut
Choose the right gear for targeting trpophy fish like Coral Trout, Large-Mouth Nannygai (Saddletail Snapper), Red Emperor, Pink Snapper, Jobfish, Mackerel, GT’s (Giant Trevally) and more – with Ryan Moody’s personal go-to list.

Ryan Moody started his fishing career on the reef boats before catching bucket list marlin for the likes of champion heavy tackle angler Johnno Johnson, INXS and the King of Sweden.

Living on the reef during the marlin season, often catching coral trout meals for clients on the mother ships, he became very atuned to weather patterns and how different criteria affect fish behaviour. Hence his coral trout/grouper framework was born.

Branching out in the late 80’s to guided barramundi fishing, Ryan has made a name for himself as a Big Barramundi specialist and to date has put clients onto over 2000 metre plus barra.

With attitudes changing from ‘keep all you can’ towards catch and release, Ryan has decided to share his extensive knowledge and hopefully inspire people of all ages to get out from behind the computer screen/TV and into the fishing outdoors lifestyle he has spent his life perfecting.

“Ryan, your information and communication are always spot on. For anyone who is interested in taking there fishing too the next level you are the person to help them do that.””

– Neil Maitland

“I’ve learned so much from your free training. Thanks for sharing your hard earned knowledge. This stuff is gold.”

– Evatt Farrel

“Walking into a tackle shop can be a minefield of options. A cheat sheet based on Ryan’s years of experience takes all the confusion out of each purchase.”

– Max Hogan

There is something for all anglers to learn!

I particularly liked how Ryan describes from shallow to deeper areas and how to fish them efficiently. There is something for all anglers to learn from the course from the beginning to seasoned angler!

– Bryan Hawkes

I signed up for the Trout course on Thursday night and went out on Friday morning. I picked up a 55cm trout using what information I had retained from reading part of the course the night before!! Ryan has an easy going style of teaching and doesn’t use any fancy jargon to get his message across, great course loved it all

– David Nielsen

I found Ryan’s advice in this course by far the best!

After completing a couple of other courses I was keen to learn more about catching Coral Trout. I particularly liked how Ryan demonstrated the sounder array (down scan and 2d) interpretations, very informative and easy to understand. Combining how to position the boat for the best interpretation during the search phase was great, I just used to scan along but not any more. Also the advice on how to position the boat near bommies etc and cast and retrieve options/methods for optimal results. The use of lures, tackle and rigs in prescribed situations made great sense. I found the whole course very informative and instructive. In actual fact I found Ryan’s advice in this course by far the best of the courses I have completed. A well put together course, well done Team Moody.

– Lloyd Scholes


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