We are finally heading north and fishing Cairns to Cooktown on the way!
After leaving Cairns and steaming through the night (to about 2am), we were super happy to be out on the briny.
Still we had to get to Cooktown for refuelling before the trawlers rocked up at the fuel pontoon.
We absolutely LOVE Cooktown and get up here as often as we can. Either in the big boat or a weekender in the blue boat.
The fishing around Cooktown is fantastic! But avoid the trade winds during winter.
Getting fuel fishing Cairns to Cooktown.
While in Cooktown we usually fuel at Jim and Ann’s Cooktown Fishermans wharf, (o7 4069 5173) and there is also the Cooktown marina wharf nearby if they are full.
On the way we had a minor incident with the blue boat tow rope snapping and some associated damage to Mood Swings.
Plus we had a ten minute fish and bent the lines with a double hook up for the first time.
The lure that did the damage was our deadly Levitator jigs. You can buy them > here.
Join us in the following video as we begin our trip fishing from Cairns to Cooktown
Having a productive trip going remote is easier with a good understanding of your sounder.
Sounder Skills is only $20 Australian at the moment and well worth a look.
If you don’t learn anything let me know and I’ll give you your money back.

I hope you enjoyed Episode 2 of our Northern Safari series – Fishing from Cairns to Cooktown.
Missed an episode? – simply click here to bounce back to the beginning.
New episodes drop each Thursday so stay tuned…
And while you’re here, why not take a look at some of our other tips and fishing action videos below.