Finding new fishing spots is my favourite pastime.
For land-based and inshore anglers, the best time to do reconnaissance is low tide.
I know that sounds self-evident, but few people actually do this.
I rarely go fishing without sussing out an area first.
Be it in my boat with a sounder for offshore trips. Or doing a low-tide reccy for land-based or inshore fishing.
When finding new fishing spots, a low tide reconnaissance trip can reveal a lot about an area!
Mostly when I do a pre-fishing survey of an area I am looking for features or food.
It’s no secret that fish tend to hang in areas that provide shelter from current or predators (features).
Plus they need to eat and love it when food comes to them!

Finding new fishing spots is one of the most rewarding parts of fishing.
It is certainly why I created my Fish Smarter online fishing courses.
Because the observation required to find new spots is often overlooked by new and experienced anglers alike.

To give you the best idea of how I go about finding new fishing spots, watch the video below.
I cover a number of land-based and inshore situations and what I look for when assessing an area.
From flats, mangroves, beaches and break walls.
Thanks for taking the time to visit our site and read our post on finding new fishing spots at low tide. We really appreciate it.