Episode 2 in our essential boat maintenance series kicks off with us hauling Mood Swings out.
You can watch Episode 1 here.
We arrived at the boatyard at 6 am due to the tide.
The goal is to get her in the slings with minimal tidal run and enough depth to get up the creek.
We slip at the Big Boat Shed every year because they are just so professional.
They are on hand for advice to make sure we don’t miss any essential boat maintenance during this critical time.
Will we get her done in three days? It’s not looking good. Take a look at the video.
Haul Out!
Always a dicey time as the slip is narrow with unforgiving concrete on boat sides.
Hence we always try and pick slack water to get her in the slings.
We also have a dual pair of GT51 thru-hull side imaging transducers in this boat.
So we need to make sure they are not damaged by the rear slings.
It’s a fine balance aft of the transducers, and forward of the props.
And the first job is always a water blast of the hull so we can see what we are up against.

Annual Boat Maintenance
On the list for this slip…
- Replace all seacocks (this hasn’t been done on this boat for many years and they will sink you if they fail)
- If you watched the video you’ll know we also had to replace the cutlass bearings.
- Add rear underwater lights so Karen can watch the marina barra cruise past
- Antifoul and prop speed to keep her clean and FAST
- Install the forward-facing Garmin Livescope LVS32 transducer. So we can see reef openings on cloudy days and don’t get into trouble entering uncharted river mouths.

Will we get it done??
As you can see, essential boat maintenance is not the most fun job. And always punches the pocket more than expected.
But to keep our big girl in top shape for trips and making videos, it needs to be done.
Stay tuned for the next episode as we reveal if we got it done in time.
And take a look at the finished result.
Until then, feel free to take a look at some of our other blogs and action videos…
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