This Golden Snapper recipe is for guys that like a bit of flavour with their fish.
Since my wife is not a big fish eater, we tend to crumb or flour fish a fair bit.
This recipe has a fair bit going on but the end result is delicious.
And I’ve just realised I’m posting the cook before the catch haha.
You’ll have to wait until next week to see how I caught this delightful eating fish.
I do have a course on how to catch them which you can check out here > Finding Fingermark Course
Catch and Cook Golden Snapper Recipe
For our Golden Snapper recipe you’ll need the following ingredients.

- Fillet and bone fish
- Two eggs
- Milk
- Wholemeal plain flour
- Curry Powder
- Cracked Pepper
- Peanut oil
- Butter
- Vinegar
- Lemon Juice
First step for our Golden Snapper recipe is to dip the fillets into a milk/egg batter before coating with flour. But first prepare the flour by adding curry powder and cracked pepper to the flour! Fry fillets in half peanut oil, half butter. Sprinkle some vinegar during the cooking process and after turning squeeze on some lemon.

Salad Ingredients
I hate a boring salad so for my golden snapper recipe I like to spice it up. When it comes to salad, there are no rules!
- Lettuce
- Tomato
- Red Onion
- Capsicum
- Artichoke Heart
- Jalapeno chilli
- Feta cheese
- Balsamic Glaze
- Lemon Juice
Chop it up, toss it all together and sprinkle with balsamic glaze and lemon juice.

Eating fresh fish is not only good for your health, but catching them is even better, according to health and wellness coach Nikki Fogden-Moore.
One of the most important aspects is knowing your sounder – so take a look at our introductory course Sounder Skills 1 – only $20 Australia at the moment.
Hope you enjoyed the Golden Snapper Recipe video.
To learn how to catch them we have two options for you.
- Check out Fingermark Cheat sheet (what they look like on your sounder)
- Our Comprehensive Finding Fingermark course (the techniques also work for species like Pink Snapper in southern Australia).
In two days (weather permitting) we are off to Princess Charlotte Bay in our big boat Mood Swings to make some more great fishing content – like what we have below.