Finding Fingermark
FAST ACTION OFFER: Get our ULTIMATE FISHING BUNDLE by adding on Finding Fingermark and other Foragers now for a discount of $150 AUD *applies to Fingermark, Snapper, Jewfish and other nearshore (bays and islands) foraging species.
In just 7 hours, you’ll learn more about near shore fish behaviour and how to find stacked fishing spots with a pro angler’s intuition.
• The One-Page Fingermark Framework for finding them at all tide stages
• 6 core learning modules : Fishing Fingermark with Strategy, Preparation & Tools, Defined Structure, Coastal Backwaters, Foraging Areas, Handing Hookups
• Access to the Finding Fingermark study group
• The confidence that you can now go out on the water and get RESULTS.
"I can't praise Ryan Moody's courses enough and I have now bought 4 of them. Sounder Skills 2 has sharpened my knowledge identifying structure, bait and fish. And, even though there are no Fingermark in my area, I took Ryan's advice and have found the Fingermark techniques readily translate to Snapper fishing. The finer details and information really helped a lot resulting in some choice Snapper to the boat."