Getting a smoother ride in rough weather can be as simple as changing your angle of travel.
When I’m out and about on the water, I see so many people put unnecessary wear and tear on themselves and their vessel. Simply by travelling on the wrong angle in rough weather.
Boat handling tips to get a smoother ride in rough weather out of your small boat.
First up, you need to look at the design of your boat.
For example Punts like my blue boat (below) often have a flat surface up front. This is not ideal for taking waves on the quarter or from straight ahead.
These kind of vessels are more designed for flat water and do struggle in the chop.
That said they are very stable and can take several adults standing on one side without appreciable listing.

Vessels like our Bonito have more a V nose. While not as stable at rest, are far more comfortable in a chop.
There are of course limits to all small boats. This is where navigating angles can play a part ensuring you have a smoother ride.
In this short video we explain the best angles to use when navigating rough water. Because a short detour can save you time (as you can travel faster) and reduce wear and tear on both your boat and your passengers.
Even if it takes a bit longer, your passengers, especially those up the front of the boat will thank you!
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